MEET LEEAH SCOTT: He Will Prepare a Way





Meet Leeah Scott: she wanted to go, said yes when an opportunity arose, and learned that He is in the details. 



How did the Lord call you to Puerto Rico?

The Lord called me to Puerto Rico when I wanted to go on a mission trip last summer, but one never stood out to me until I got a text one day saying “my church and some folks are going to Puerto Rico and didn’t know if you and some of your other church friends would like to join us”. Of course, we said yes!


What kind of work did you do while you were there, and how did you see the Lord at work? 

Some of the work we did was scraping a fence and the church to repaint it. The men worked on putting up a new fence that was concreted in the ground so that the next big storm they had wouldn’t blow it over and bend it. We also cleaned up some of the landscape.

I saw the Lord at work in how I never imagined this coming so fast and true to me. The Lord worked through my group as we were changed our English worship music to Spanish, and it gave the pastor chills because he was overwhelmed by how patient and willing we were to come there and just help our brothers and sisters in Christ.


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What’s one thing serving in another country helped you realize about life in America? 

One thing I realized through serving in a different country is that you have to be willing and challenged to try different foods and learn and listen to how things work and how prices are different and how life is different. The closest home improvement store was thirty minutes away from our work site, so you have to be patient with the travel of getting the supplies.

What did you learn through fundraising for your trip? 


What I learned from fundraising my trip was that God is in control, and if He wanted me to go, He would prepare a way, and if not he wouldn’t.



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What advice do you have for someone who wants to serve internationally but is concerned about funding?


If you’re concerned about finances but want to go on a mission trip internationally, reach out to others who have been before, look for multiple fundraising opportunities, but all in all everything is God’s timing, and it’s his will for you to do what’s best for his Kingdom and Glory!





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